Der Große Adventskalender TP – 6. Türchen

N: You look so beautiful today. You’re not lying down, you’re not reclining and you have something with golden horns in front of you. 

H:I brought my golden shimmery animal because I look like shit but the shimmer transfers to me. What is it called, this animal?

N: I thought it was a filter that makes you look so good, Not the egg [Anmerkung: eigentlich “elk”]..

H: You’re a good liar. Wait, I want to see the transcript, I find this highly entertaining to see what it thinks that we say, it doesn’t know the word “EQ”. Maybe it’s the wrong word.

N: 15: Oh it thinks I say egg.

H: Let’s try that. Okay.

N: Eric. Eric. It’s making fun of me! Maybe the word only exists in my mind?

H: It is called moose!

N: It is called reindeer! Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer! Eric must be something else.

H: Moose and reindeer are two different things.

N: I googled it – Eric is correct British English. Ah, yeah, the THING doesn’t know it doesn’t know British English, it is an American THING. And after more than 20 years in American English environment I still speak British English.

H: I think that’s a good thing.

N: Okay, I thought you were sitting at the kitchen counter but you’re not because there is a wardrobe behind you, it looks totally different, is it a different color than before?

H: It looks exactly the same, only I look worse.

N: Do you see my fake things in the background, it’s not a fake background. It’s just fake things there.

H: I see the lucky cat, the Chinese lucky cat.

N: Normally there are flowers there to my right but I don’t have flowers today, it’s Monday and on Monday mornings I never get flowers, it’s too early.

H: It does this movement with the hand, do you know what that means?

N: It waves money in, to me, right?

H: Exactly but is that a good signal to clients, I mean?

N: I think it’s an excellent signal, very subtle. But I mean those things behind me. 

H: Oh, those are fake things? Yes.

N: They are real things but I never use them, they are only there as the video background, like books on IKEA shelves.

H: You have those things there, the things people use to bring you documents you sign, what are they called? If you are important and people put documents in these things if they want you so sign them?

N: Signature folders. And do you see the little black box? The one that looks as if I could maybe keep my small handgun in there?

Finden Sie hier bald heraus, ob Frau N wirklich eine kleine Pistole in ihrem Büro versteckt hat.

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